Aural Twilight

https://auraltwilight.bandcamp.com/releases Album curated by Francisco López for Radio Hopes and Dreams – Soundscape Røst edition (2021), organized by Elin Már Øyen Vister and Magdaléna Manderlová, with the support of Lydgalleriet and Bergen Kunsthall. Album curated by Francisco López for Radio Hopes and Dreams – Soundscape Røst edition (2021), organized by Elin Már Øyen Vister and […]
Barbara Ellison Forest Phantoms – REWIRE 2021

https://www.rewirefestival.nl/artist/barbara-ellison1 Sunday 12 September The work of composer and audiovisual artist Barbara Ellison explores states of auditory and visual ambiguity. Across a wide variety of mediums, including performance, installation, animation and sound recordings, The Hague-based artist exploits the phenomenon of pareidolia (seeing patterns in a random stimulus). With a PhD from the University of Huddersfield […]
CyberSongs Release 2021

CYBERSONGS | BARBARA ELLISON CyberSongs is a transhuman song cycle for human-like computer voices by composer/artist Barbara Ellison. With this new work Ellison delves into the sonic intricacies of voice avatars and the ‘musicalisation’ of TTS (Text-to-Speech), a type of speech synthesis application that is used to create a spoken sound version of raw text in a […]
Obviously Unthinkable #1

July 17, 2021iii workspace, Willem Dreespark 312, The HagueDoors at 19:00 Program starts at 19:30Tickets HERECurrent restrictions due to Covid-19 can be found HERE Participants: Tommaso Calarco, Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand, Barbara Ellison, surprise guests Initiator of the EU Quantum Flagship, pioneering theoretical physicist Tommaso Calarco will share his insights into macroscopic quantum phenomena at the […]
REYKJAVÍK ARTS FESTIVAL IMMERSIVE AUDIO https://www.listahatid.is/en/events/program/immersive-audio/ Music IMMERSIVE AUDIO Þóranna Björnsdóttir, Curver Thoroddsen, Barbara Ellison, Francisco López & others The sound that we hear at the cinema gives rise to illusions, weaves its way into our very core and transports us through immeasurable distances in time and space. Sound carries the unique quality of engaging […]
Fantasmi sonori – Ellison – Bailey / Enzo Minarelli
https://www.juliet-artmagazine.com/juliet-203-2/ Enzo Minarelli has written this beautiful essay about Sonic Phantoms in the Italian Art Review Juliet… https://www.juliet-artmagazine.com/juliet-203-2/ Thanks Enzo. Great job. COPERTINABjarne Melgaard “A Damaged Man” 2020, oil paint on canvas, 65 x 54 cm, © Bjarne Melgaard/ADAGP, Paris, 2020ph courtesy Thaddaeus Ropac London · Paris · Salzburg 36 | Produzione creativa e identità – […]
‘Los Hechos Nubla’ / ‘The Nubla Facts’
AUDIOSPHERE: Social Experimental Audio, Pre- and Post-Internet : At the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía : Curated by Francisco López

This exhibition is monumental. With hundreds of incredible artists – known and unknown – very happy to be part of this. 14 October, 2020 – 15 February 2021 https://www.museoreinasofia.es/exposiciones/audiosfera The Reina Sofía Museum will host a selection of more than one thousand sound works , which aim to fill a historical and cultural void in […]
Interviewed by Thomas Bey William Bailey Thomas Bey William Bailey · Anechoic Chamber episode 6: Barbara Ellison
Sonic Phantoms Book publishes June 11th 2020
The Other Show – Dublin Digital Radio
Thanks to Michael Greville from The Other Show – Dublin Digital Radio 18.05.2020. Special thanks to Edith Greville for her deep dulcet tones.. PLAYING TRACKS BY Barbara Ellison, Kraftwerk, Spacemen 3, Soft Cell, Ralph Lundsten and more. TAGGED #electronica#folk#experimental#ddr#theothershow Yet another two hour mix put together at home, while we await the glorious return to the ddr studio. Featuring music […]
CyberOpera Review Brainwashed
Creaig Dunton reviews CyberOpera for brainwashed Barbara Ellison, “CyberOpera” Sunday, 26 April 2020 14:21 Creaig Dunton Reviews – Albums and Singles Opera is not exactly a style of music that has overlapped much with modern electronic and experimental genres. Perhaps it is the long-form nature, or the innately organic nature of works built heavily around the human voice, but […]
CyberOpera release reviewed by Massimo Ricci |Touching Extremes

BARBARA ELLISON – CyberOpera – A Trans-Human Opera In Three Acts BY MASSIMO RICCI MARCH 5, 2020 Self Release A lot of things are taken for granted when it comes to technological progress. However, our mind is often limited to a hands-on approach to these advancements, without actually delving into the creative possibilities offered by a given […]
rewire 2020 3-5 April DH

CyberOpera | a trans-human opera in three acts | Composed by Barbara Ellison USB MEMORY CARD RELEASE WITH OVER 3 HOURS OF UNCOMPRESSED AUDIO LIMITED EDITION 2019: 300 COPIES Composed and produced by Barbara Ellison Mastered by Francisco López Cover artwork: live performance at Störung Festival, Barcelona 2014 (photo by MA Ruiz) Special Thanks: Francisco […]
HEROPERA – teaser trailer
Vocal phantoms on BBC’s Late Junction
Sonic Mmabolela 2019
Sonic Mmabolela 2018

A selection of images from Sonic Mmabolela 2018 . Sonic Mmabolela is our annual Workshop/Residency for sound artists & composers
at Mmabolela Reserve, Limpopo, South Africa
16-29 November.
Conceived and directed by Francisco López (www.franciscolopez.net)
Coordination and logistics by Barbara Ellison (www.barbaraellison.com)
For more detailed info please go to http://www.franciscolopez.net/field.html
mixtape #IWD
sonic phantoms available now on Bandcamp
November Music Festival 2018 – PLUG 2018 live performance

Looking forward to this! November Music Festival 2018 (Plug 2018 event) PRIJS€ 12.00 KORTING€ 6.00 LOCATIE Kruithuis DATUM za 3 nov. 2018 TIJD21:00 – 01:00 Als de aloude kruitdampen zijn neergedaald en het historische wapengekletter al lang is verstomd, zet de manifestatie PLUG het prachtige Kruithuis nog eenmaal in vuur en vlam. De afgelopen jaren […]
PHONOS —-journales obertes —Barcelona Oct 2018
Festival Dag in de Branding May 29th
Soundwaves, Dick Raaijmakers and Sonologie; GEM, The Hague
Dag in De Branding
HEROPERA- Ostade Theatre June 3rd and 4th

Image by Zeloot 17 mei: try-out 19 mei: première @UBIK/WORM, Boomgaardstraat 71, 3012 XA Rotterdam, NL tijd: 20:30 – 22:30 (inclusief pauze / including break) tickets try-out: €7,00 (presale €6,00) tickets premiere: €10,00 (presale €8,00) HEROPERA is een geïmproviseerde ‘ad-lib’-voorstelling waarin het operamedium wordt gedeconstrueerd en traditionele ideeën over heldendom en storytelling op de snijtafel worden gelegd. Geworteld in verschillende disciplines en […]
Sonic Mmabolela 2018 LAUNCH

SONIC MMABOLELA 2018 6th Annual Workshop/Residency for sound artists &composers at Mmabolela Reserve, Limpopo, South Africa Info: http://www.franciscolopez.net/field.html SONIC MMABOLELA 2018 – just launched and now open for registration ! Available places are very limited – so the sooner the better !!!! Read below and follow link for more information. ————————————————————————– SONIC MMABOLELA 2018 […]
str012 – Various Artists – Rebuilding l’Alt Empordà [Digital Download]

NEW RELEASE OUT NOW str012 | Various Artists | Rebuilding l’Alt Empordà EN str012 – ‘Rebuilding l’Alt Empordà’ is the new Störung release that features 20 exclusive sound pieces by 20 of the most representative artists of the sound art scene. The purpose of this release is to raise funds to help on the reconstruction […]
Opera in progress – Coming soon in 2018 !
Winter Solstice 2017 – confusion of tongues (OSLO NORWAY)
Francisco Lopez, Barbara Ellison, Greg Pope, Samvær Under Tilsün, Orange Cakes (Martin Palmer & Magdalena Manderlova), Magnus Oledal, Linda Bournane Engelberth, Kine Michelle Bruniera, Unnur Andrea Einarsdotti, Magnus Bugge, Camilla Dahl, Reality (Daniil Alexandrov and Zhenia Vasiliev), Dario Fariello & Håkon Lie, Lerin/Hystad, Gidsken Braadlie, Mission Abort (Marin Håskjold and Anette Gellein), POP Tektonism (Lykourgos […]

————————————————————————– SONIC MMABOLELA 2017 5th Annual Workshop/Residency for sound artists & composers at Mmabolela Reserve, Limpopo, South Africa Conceived and directed by Francisco López (www.franciscolopez.net) Coordination and logistics by Barbara Ellison (www.barbaraellison.com) ‘Sonic Mmabolela’ is a 2-week workshop/residency for professional and semiprofessional sound artists and composers with previous experience in the […]
MAZE FESTIVAL 2017 – Splendor/Bimhuis

a festival dedicated to sonic textures and field recordings Amsterdam-based ensemble MAZE is dedicated to performing music that challenges the idea of fixed form and a fixed listening perspective. Following previous collaborations with Robert Ashley, Christian Marclay, Annea Lockwood and Michael Pisaro, MAZE now presents a festival dedicated to sonic textures and field recordings. MAZE’s […]

with works by: Barbara Ellison (IE) Dario Giustarini (IT) Horacio Vaggione (AR) Ji Youn Kang (KR) Richard Barrett (GB) We are delighted to invite you to another Azimuth edition which will take place at Studio Loos on Saturday the 22nd of April. If you haven’t yet made it to experience one of our Azimuth concerts […]
Electronic Extravaganza # 2 – Monoták

April 20th 2017: Electronic Extravaganza # 2 Electronic Extravaganza is a festival for electronic music exploring borders between dance, ambient, pop, noise, DIY, installation art and contemporary composed music. Line up: Francisco Lopez, Rooie Waas, Anat Spiegel & Henry Vega, Stoka Ensemble, Project 128 & Monoták, Paul Glazier & Thomas Myrmel, Barbara Ellison, Bart de […]
Limited Access Festival 7

Ten years ago, a small project space in Tehran called Parkin gallery, had founded an independent festival for video, sound, and performance: Limited Access since 2007 have featured many prominent and upcoming artists from Iran and the world. The festival invites guest curators and collaborates with various institutions and archives in Berlin, Stockholm, Helsinki, Cairo, […]
SUPER-SENSOR release coming soon!

SUPER-SENSOR . audio — video –– text –– image –– code — hybrids e-magazine of/on/around experimental audio & related Edited/Curated by Francisco López Published by SONM – Sound Archive of Experimental Music and Sound Art & Puertas de Castilla Center (Murcia, Spain) SOBRE LA FONOTECA CONTRIBUTORS – CONTENT/FILES: ‘SUPER-SENSOR’ is a non-profit curated […]
‘Underwater Phantoms’ Exhibition
Salon Aria
Our Trickster ‘OPERA’
Antilounge 18 Release event: Paard van Troje:

POST SCRIPTUM is a new 3CD release from the Institute of Sonology, featuring music by Sonology faculty members past and present: Richard Barrett, Gottfried Michael Koenig, Gabriel Paiuk, Jaap Vink,Joel Ryan, Marie Guilleray, Johan van Kreij, Bjarni Gunnarsson, Kees Tazelaar, Paul Berg, Barbara Ellison, Raviv Ganchrow, Justin Bennett and Konrad Boehmer, featuring electronic compositions and […]
The Night of the Second The Hague School

Korzo will host The Night of the Second Hague School, and the entire theatre will be given over to dozens of musicians, performers and ensembles, performing in every nook and cranny, including the loading bays, concert halls, rehearsal studios and even in the office spaces. Underwater Phantoms installation – will be screened during this festival. […]
Sonic Phantoms CD release
Klang ! electroacoustic 2021 : Carte blanche to Régis Renouard Larivière
https://www.electropresence.com/en/even/43587/Klang_%C3%A9lectroacoustique_2021_Carte_blanche_%C3%A0_R%C3%A9gis_Renouard_Larivi%C3%A8re Participants Régis Renouard Larivière , broadcast Program Dodge (2000, 10), 10:10Régis Renouard Larivièrefixed medium Far From Equilibrium (2016), 13:07Barbara ellisonfixed medium Sands (2011, 19), 22:02Régis Renouard Larivièrestereo fixed medium Intermission The Silence of the Left Ear (2011), 7:48Esteban Anavitartefixed medium Mouse Gray (2017), 10:03Sophie Delafontainestereo fixed medium Laps II (2020), 10:16Régis Renouard LarivièrePremierefixed medium
KEROXEN Special Show I / Murcof + Sergi Palau, Barbara Ellison and more / 29 NOV -AUDIOTALAIA
Radiophrenia – The Light at the End of the Dial – curated by Leonie Roessler (Radio LOOS)
The Other Show 02.11.2020
SONIC MMABOLELAAnnual Workshop/Residency for sound artists & composersat Mmabolela Reserve, Limpopo, South Africa Conceived and directed by Francisco López (www.franciscolopez.net) Coordination and logistics by Barbara Ellison (www.barbaraellison.com) Unfortunately, with the COVID-19 pandemic everything is of course upside down, uncertain and unpredictable. At this stage we still cannot confirm the realization of Sonic Mmabolela 2020, planned for […]