Barbara Ellison
Aural Twilight Album curated by Francisco López for Radio Hopes and Dreams – Soundscape Røst edition (2021), organized by Elin Már Øyen Vister and Magdaléna Manderlová, with the support of Lydgalleriet and Bergen Kunsthall. Album curated by Francisco López for Radio Hopes and Dreams – Soundscape Røst edition (2021), organized by Elin Már Øyen Vister and […]
Barbara Ellison Forest Phantoms – REWIRE 2021 Sunday 12 September The work of composer and audiovisual artist Barbara Ellison explores states of auditory and visual ambiguity. Across a wide variety of mediums, including performance, installation, animation and sound recordings, The Hague-based artist exploits the phenomenon of pareidolia (seeing patterns in a random stimulus). With a PhD from the University of Huddersfield […]
CyberSongs Release 2021

CYBERSONGS | BARBARA ELLISON CyberSongs is a transhuman song cycle for human-like computer voices by composer/artist Barbara Ellison. With this new work Ellison delves into the sonic intricacies of voice avatars and the ‘musicalisation’ of TTS (Text-to-Speech), a type of speech synthesis application that is used to create a spoken sound version of raw text in a […]
Obviously Unthinkable #1

July 17, 2021iii workspace, Willem Dreespark 312, The HagueDoors at 19:00 Program starts at 19:30Tickets HERECurrent restrictions due to Covid-19 can be found HERE Participants: Tommaso Calarco, Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand, Barbara Ellison, surprise guests Initiator of the EU Quantum Flagship, pioneering theoretical physicist Tommaso Calarco will share his insights into macroscopic quantum phenomena at the […]
REYKJAVÍK ARTS FESTIVAL IMMERSIVE AUDIO Music IMMERSIVE AUDIO Þóranna Björnsdóttir, Curver Thoroddsen, Barbara Ellison, Francisco López & others The sound that we hear at the cinema gives rise to illusions, weaves its way into our very core and transports us through immeasurable distances in time and space. Sound carries the unique quality of engaging […]
Klang ! electroacoustic 2021 : Carte blanche to Régis Renouard Larivière Participants Régis Renouard Larivière , broadcast Program Dodge (2000, 10), 10:10Régis Renouard Larivièrefixed medium Far From Equilibrium (2016), 13:07Barbara ellisonfixed medium Sands (2011, 19), 22:02Régis Renouard Larivièrestereo fixed medium Intermission The Silence of the Left Ear (2011), 7:48Esteban Anavitartefixed medium Mouse Gray (2017), 10:03Sophie Delafontainestereo fixed medium Laps II (2020), 10:16Régis Renouard LarivièrePremierefixed medium
Fantasmi sonori – Ellison – Bailey / Enzo Minarelli Enzo Minarelli has written this beautiful essay about Sonic Phantoms in the Italian Art Review Juliet… Thanks Enzo. Great job. COPERTINABjarne Melgaard “A Damaged Man” 2020, oil paint on canvas, 65 x 54 cm, © Bjarne Melgaard/ADAGP, Paris, 2020ph courtesy Thaddaeus Ropac London · Paris · Salzburg 36 | Produzione creativa e identità – […]
KEROXEN Special Show I / Murcof + Sergi Palau, Barbara Ellison and more / 29 NOV -AUDIOTALAIA
‘Los Hechos Nubla’ / ‘The Nubla Facts’
Radiophrenia – The Light at the End of the Dial – curated by Leonie Roessler (Radio LOOS)
The Other Show 02.11.2020
AUDIOSPHERE: Social Experimental Audio, Pre- and Post-Internet : At the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía : Curated by Francisco López

This exhibition is monumental. With hundreds of incredible artists – known and unknown – very happy to be part of this. 14 October, 2020 – 15 February 2021 The Reina Sofía Museum will host a selection of more than one thousand sound works , which aim to fill a historical and cultural void in […]
Interviewed by Thomas Bey William Bailey Thomas Bey William Bailey · Anechoic Chamber episode 6: Barbara Ellison
SONIC MMABOLELAAnnual Workshop/Residency for sound artists & composersat Mmabolela Reserve, Limpopo, South Africa Conceived and directed by Francisco López ( Coordination and logistics by Barbara Ellison ( Unfortunately, with the COVID-19 pandemic everything is of course upside down, uncertain and unpredictable. At this stage we still cannot confirm the realization of Sonic Mmabolela 2020, planned for […]
Sonic Phantoms Book publishes June 11th 2020
The Other Show – Dublin Digital Radio
Thanks to Michael Greville from The Other Show – Dublin Digital Radio 18.05.2020. Special thanks to Edith Greville for her deep dulcet tones.. PLAYING TRACKS BY Barbara Ellison, Kraftwerk, Spacemen 3, Soft Cell, Ralph Lundsten and more. TAGGED #electronica#folk#experimental#ddr#theothershow Yet another two hour mix put together at home, while we await the glorious return to the ddr studio. Featuring music […]
CyberOpera Review Brainwashed
Creaig Dunton reviews CyberOpera for brainwashed Barbara Ellison, “CyberOpera” Sunday, 26 April 2020 14:21 Creaig Dunton Reviews – Albums and Singles Opera is not exactly a style of music that has overlapped much with modern electronic and experimental genres. Perhaps it is the long-form nature, or the innately organic nature of works built heavily around the human voice, but […]
CyberOpera release reviewed by Massimo Ricci |Touching Extremes

BARBARA ELLISON – CyberOpera – A Trans-Human Opera In Three Acts BY MASSIMO RICCI MARCH 5, 2020 Self Release A lot of things are taken for granted when it comes to technological progress. However, our mind is often limited to a hands-on approach to these advancements, without actually delving into the creative possibilities offered by a given […]