Annual Workshop/Residency for sound artists & composers
at Mmabolela Reserve, Limpopo, South Africa
Conceived and directed by Francisco López (
Coordination and logistics by Barbara Ellison (
‘Sonic Mmabolela’ is a 2-week workshop/residency for professional and semiprofessional sound artists and composers with previous experience in the area of sound experimentation and sound recordings. It takes place at Mmabolela Reserve, in the Limpopo province of South Africa, right at the border with Botswana. It involves field work, studio work and theoretical/discussion presentations. The workshop/residency has a special focus on creative approaches to the work with environmental sound recordings, as well as the role of listening, through an extensive exploration of natural sound environments. It does not have a technical character but is instead conceived and directed towards (i) the questioning of canonical conceptions of so-called ‘field recordings’, and (ii) the development and realization of projects of sonic creation by the participant artists/composers with the recordings gathered and through the experience of dedicated listening in natural environments.
Detailed information here: